General Musings

Highlights from the Highway Africa 2013 (#Highway13) Conference: Speaking Truth to Power?

Media Management in The New Age Session Highlights.
Presentations by Jude Mathurine, New Media Lecturer , Rhodes University and Chaacha Mwita, Thomson Foundation

General Musings

Kenya Power: Help Us Help You!

Kenya Ingependa Kumeta. I propose this as a working slogan as you forge your way to efficiency, oh dear transmitter, distributor and retailer of electricity. You see, Kenya Yameta essentially is untrue; makes for a better fit alongside your Vision 2030 strategic plans.    (Image Courtesy of Eugene Nyawara)

General Musings

#TwitterBigDebate about #TwitterBigStick: A Recap

If you roam the twitter-in-Kenya streets often, the #TwitterBigStick  hashtag is no new phenomenon to you. Based on the Big Stick ideology(via Mark Kaigwa), and coined by Sunny Bindra, its use has involved calling out overlapping tendencies by diplomat cars, school buses, privately owned and public service vehicles(whose license plates have been tagged;a dime a dozen […]

General Musings iAdvocate

What If Tuko Pamoja After All?

By now we have all read up on Forbes latest release on matters Africa, and those who are deemed most wealthy. Our homie, Uhuru Kenyatta, of the Tuko Pamoja fame, (or ICC..depending on the circles you roll in) made it onto the list. I have a difficult time believing that this is the best pic […]

General Musings iAdvocate

Why We Should Give A Damn About Kenya’s Politics.

Yes, I know. Many of us hear the word ‘politics’ and want to puke. I get it! Before I go any further, just how many of us have taken time out to delve into the subject matter that is politics, to understand its definition?origin? I often hear talk of matters being ‘politicized’ and I’m left […]

General Musings

Collective Effort in Africa: A Paradox?

It is interesting to note that this post has been inspired by a random google search(at this ungodly hour…clock’s marching towards 2 a.m. as I write this) on the “difference between oxymorons and paradoxes”. Not to put too fine a point to it, an oxymoron is a paradox reduced to two words. I took it […]

General Musings

Kenyans 4 Kenya: Content Is King!!!

I contemplated, for one regrettable second, to ‘draw inspiration’ for this post’s title from this headline that has been properly addressed by Media Madness aka @mediaMK (and since redone), but I puked a little at the thought. (Moral of the story: do not go with such silly headlines in the name of trying to popularize articles!) Back […]

General Musings

What Do You Do? The Case of The Foolish Child and Naïve Parents.

Imagine this. For some,this might be/have been an experience,so recall this: A trusted child. Parents have complete and utter confidence in him/her,and as such,they’ve entrusted them(child) with just about everything. When asked,they say that theirs is a dependable,responsible,credible child. Yet,as it turns out,said child is anything but! All that the poor parents boast about are […]

General Musings

Is There A Place For Collective Effort in Africa?

I might get fried for this one,but someone has to ask. Ok,we are charged,we are awakening/have awakened to the Kenyan reality,and it isn’t a rosy picture. It doesn’t sit well for most of us,and so we wanna do something to alleviate the situation. Mind you,this not only applies to the drought/food crisis,but to many other […]

General Musings

Social Media: What’s the Bottom Line?

Almost every conversation I engage in these days has the phrase ‘Social Media’ sneaked in. I’ve met self-made gurus in this growing phenomenon,and been awed by the opportunities that ‘Social Media’ presents. For those still not so clear on the definition of said phenomenon,do take the time to visit the world wide web and inform […]