A curation of essays, interviews, talks, op-eds by and/or featuring yours truly. Also, additional roundups for 2020-2023, 2014-2019 and on COVID-19 ). 2024 How Californian and African City Connections Can Build Up Smart City Diplomacy (An essay I contributed to an exploratory series at Carnegie California to accompany the city of Los Angeles’ development of […]
A curation of essays, interviews, talks, op-eds by and/or featuring yours truly. Also, additional roundups on COVID-19 and for 2014-2019). 2023 EU AI Act’s possible implications for Africa (I spoke to CGTN Africa on what the landmark legislation could portend for Africa’s AI landscape). On cybersecurity talent and innovation in Africa (On the heels of […]
‘Quomments’ on COVID-19

A curation of my questions-cum-comments, aka ‘quomments’, as we navigate these unprecedented times. No one can definitively claim to have the answers; we are thinking, reasoning, hoping, mourning together. As we must, I suppose. The Evolving Role of Tech During COVID-19 I joined this conversation series hosted by Dalberg Advisors and Amref Health to contextualise […]
A curation of interviews, talks, op-eds by/featuring yours truly. You can also check out my op-eds for Kenya’s Daily Nation (2014-2017) here and 2020 onward here. 2019 Recapping 2019: a special podcast interview with Dickens Olewe BBC 100 Women 2019: Who is on the list this year? (Yours truly was! ) On Conferences/Events about Africa(ns) […]

The term policy very likely puts off a lot of folks. It probably evokes images of old men in suits and spectacles droning on about something or other. I, on the other hand, am fascinated by (public) policy. The most basic definition of policy is “a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by […]
Back in May 2016, I wrote for the Daily Nation on this nefarious issue of all male panels, otherwise known as manels. They are pervasive. They are normalised. They are problematic. The reactions to the piece have been interesting to follow, primarily via the #SayNoToManelsKE and #SayNoToManels hashtags. (Other hashtags highlighting this issue globally include […]
Back in 2009, some journalist -perhaps trying to make her story about “the pearl of Africa” land some eyeballs- stated that Uganda was “a place where cell phones could outnumber light bulbs.” Now, that little nugget has morphed into the widely parroted factoid, that there are more mobile phones than bulbs in Uganda. It’s been […]
A much needed clapback
Abstract Net neutrality deliberations go hand in hand with discussions of upholding and preserving the openness of the Internet, widely perceived as a precondition to the realisation of the Internet’s potential. This is particularly relevant with access to the Internet being increasingly accepted as a basic right. Rules and regulations to uphold net neutrality exist […]